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The Knowledge Strategic Advisor

Unlock Your Potential with Knowledge-Seeking Technology:

Leveraging AI and Human Intelligence for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Executive Summary:

Welcome to the era of AI Assistants blog, where we take a look at two types: task-oriented tools, such as ChatGPT and his buddies, and mission-oriented tools specially tailored for Business Development.


Task-oriented tools are AI assistants that give you a wealth of knowledge and insights quickly and are best used by experienced practitioners who can cross-check the results against their own sources.


Mission-oriented tools, on the other hand, serve as up-to-date, curated, and documented knowledge in an easy-to-understand format.


With these tools, you can get a leg up on the competition with the latest information.


Are you looking to use AI Assistants to give you the winning edge?

The Strategic Value Creation Framework’s paradigm is about breaking the walls of the “silos” between managerial methodologies and practices.


The idea behind it is that when one study management, it creates “walls” (strategy, corporate finance, operation, sales, marketing, human capital, social capital, and alike).

However, when a manager confronts a challenge, she does not think of “silos.”

All the knowledge about management is within her “mental maps.” This is the reason behind the book “From Enigma to Paradigm.


Strategy is all about identifying the most critical challenges the organization faces and finding the knowledge and capabilities to tackle them.


Doing it successfully will lead to gaining a sustainable competitive advantage.

What are the most critical resources we need?

The correct data, knowledge, and insights at the right time.


Managers used to say that “I wanted it yesterday.” The current managerial practices are not up to the pace managers seek.

The breakthrough innovations in artificial Intelligence speed up the path to seeking knowledge at an exponential pace.


This can be done by augmenting Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence. It is a co-evolving process.

Here, we have to differentiate between the two types of tools.

1.       The tactic or task-oriented tools. ChatGPT and its cousins.

2.       The strategic or mission-oriented tools. Research platform.

The tactics or task-oriented tools are AI assistants (such as ChatGPT and his buddies) that do your intuitive work to find new knowledge and insights and connect the dots much more quickly than search engines.

But you have to be an expert in the field to avoid BS.

Because you need a list of sources that enable you to ensure you are on the right track.

The strategic or mission-oriented tool is another way to seek new knowledge:

M&A, new technologies, new markets, repurposing for a given technology, and other Business Development missions.

One of the key elements of the framework is the concept of "Search and (Re)Search."

Search refers to the traditional way of finding answers using search engines, surveys, and expert opinions.

(Re)Search, on the other hand, utilizes the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the search process and provide more accurate and up-to-date information.


The new era of knowledge-seeking is being shaped by the rapid advancements in AI technology.


ChatGPT is one such technology that has gained immense popularity and is changing how people think about decision-making.


It is like the transition from drawing boards to CAD software packages; soon, we will not remember what a search engine is.


To take advantage of this new era of knowledge-seeking, organizations need to identify and address their critical challenges, which can be divided into two criteria: those that risk the organization or one of its significant projects and those that represent a substantial opportunity for the firm.


Each challenge requires up-to-date, relevant, and inspiring knowledge.


To address this, we propose a new role within any organization: The Knowledge Strategic Advisor (KSA). The KSA's job is to help the organization find the knowledge it needs and help its members develop a deep understanding of it. The KSA should be curious about the comprehensive understanding of the latest data technologies and the organization's ecosystem. They should attend meetings of any top team, try to discover the "crux" of the company's strategy, and then use the new AI capabilities to bring on board the proper knowledge in hours instead of days or weeks.

In conclusion, The Strategic Value Creation Framework is a holistic approach to solving organizational challenges. It utilizes the power of AI to enhance the search process and provide more accurate and up-to-date information. The Knowledge Strategic Advisor (KSA) is a new role that organizations should consider to gain a sustainable competitive advantage in the new era of knowledge-seeking.

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